Income Tax is the tax you pay on your earnings as an individual.
Example: If your sole trader business earns £40,000, you won’t pay tax on the first £12,570, but you’ll pay 20% on the remaining £27,430.
Corporation Tax is a tax on the profits made by limited companies.
Example: If your company earns £200,000 in profit, you’ll pay 19% on the first £50,000 and a higher rate on the remainder.
NICs are payments that fund public benefits like the NHS and state pensions.
VAT is a tax on most goods and services sold.
Dividend tax applies to company directors and shareholders who take profits from the company as dividends.
Example: If you take £5,000 in dividends, the first £500 is tax-free, and you pay tax on the remaining £4,500.
CGT is a tax on the profit made when you sell a business asset.
Hancock & Hastings Limited
Office 2, Ashton Square Business Centre, Ashton Square, Dunstable, Beds, LU6 3SN